English version
Our high school was established in 1991. Earlier, it wasn’t possible to open non- state schools (private high schools). In the year 2002 the school was named after Jerzy Grotowski, the world-famous director and theater reformer.
The 90 pupils who attend our school are interested in social sciences (Humanities). There are 40 teachers. Apart from standard subjects i.e. Polish and Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Geography, History, etc. within a period of 3 years, the pupils study also the History of Art, Music, Theatre and Film Making, Rhetoric, Philosophy, Jurisprudence and Business. Our students can chose different subjects [Theatre, Film, Plastic (Arts), Music, Informatics (IT) and educative seminars in Literature, Art, History, Geography or Chemistry].
We organise domestic and international school trips. We have visited different places of our Motherland. Besides, we have visited Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Holland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Italy etc. In our school programme, there are cycling expeditions, trekking, skiing and sailing.
Our pupils and teachers are interested in an international exchange programmes with similar schools abroad. This could be specific visits for different classes or even group theatre workshops, film teams, Art Workshops. During the vacations, we may participate in sailing, trekking or cycling expeditions, which will enrich our original educational programmes.
We can undertake the organisation of international youth conference involving cultural activity and artistic awareness.
Inviting you for co-operation.
Mr. Włodzimierz Taboryski
The Principal.